50 Sufferers Describe Depression.

If you have never experienced depression, you wouldn’t know what it would be like to live with it each day. And I myself do not know. So I decided to research more about this mental illness. Bellow are anonymous account of people who have or are suffering from depression. After reading it I felt how incredibly lonely someone with depression must feel. The day to day struggles they must face, the complete frustration and pain would be unbearable. However, I found there accounts extremely  poetic and moving and I feel like they could provide me with a stimulus for my own performance.

.”Slipping into depression feels like falling down a dark bottomless shaft, wondering if and when your fall will ever be caught. And as you look back to where you fell from–which is where you know you need to get back to–you can see it receding further into the distance, the proverbial light becoming dimmer and dimmer, while the shaft into which you are falling becomes deeper, darker, and all the more enveloping.”


.”It’s like drowning … except you can see everyone around you breathing.” 

. “Depression is like swimming through treacle.”


.”Like mourning the death of someone you once loved–you. When you look in the mirror you see only dead eyes. There is no spark. No joy. No hope. You wonder how you will manage to exist another day.”

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