Playing Sylvia Plath



I undertook the same rehearsal process for the two characters. But I found that creating Plath was the easier of the two. For instance, there was more information out here, that I could use to create the character of Sylvia. As I used interviews, poems, readings, as well as my own imagination to create a living breathing character. I found that because her writing was so rich, most of the inspiration was there  for me to understand her as a person. After reading her poems such as, Daddy, Lady Lazarus, Tulips, Deer Island and also her novel The Bell Jar, I was able to get into the mind of thew writer, to understand what she must have felt like and to understand what was going through her head.

Rehearsal Process. 

.This consisted of weeks and months of playing around with different physicality and experimenting with my voice. As i knew if I wanted to portray Plath convincing then I would have to appear more feminine. Furthermore, i spent time studying how she spoke and listened to the tone, pitch and inflection of her voice.

.Reading her poems became a good source of inspiration for me, as I was able to understand the pain she was going through and I came to understand that she in a way used her poems as a kind of therapy.

. Wearing the dress during rehearsals helped me to get into character. As it physically changed how I stood, how I walked and sat. It saw it as a way of literally steeping into character.

. I found that music was really helpful whilst creating my performance. As a certain song or a piece of music can often evoke emotions and take us to places away from this world.

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